Our philosophy

(From: The Book of the Creative Force, by K. Leonhardtsberger)



Art generally needs a new and strong impulse today.

Needless to say, this impulse can only come from above.

It will be transmitted through human beings.

However, nowadays you have to be brave in order to do what one's own heart says.

Often it is against the secular spirit of the time.


Invisible becomes visible

An invisible idea comes by inspiration, is mirrored in the soul, as next step visibly formed into the artwork.

Since the creation of the world, the light of the beginning shines in all created objects.

In a similar way, our own inner light begins to shine in our artwork.

The cosmic creation is large and the creation of the artwork is small.

Nonetheless we can clearly see a parallel: Something invisible becomes visible.


Life comes from life 

Life comes only from life.

It is therefore at the beginning of all the First Origin and Great Life itself: God.

However this First Life acts in us as our own innermost life, as an origin in ourselves.

In the creative activity, our small inner origin and the Great Origin correspond to each other through kinship, especially when creating an artwork by love.

This analogy is an inner knowing that does not need to be intellectually verified, although it is not contrary to reason.


What is the Deeper Meaning of Creative Activity?

The deeper meaning of creative activity can only be the encounter with one’s own inner origin, the spiritual heart. The pursuit of creative activity is not just about the good artwork. It is also about the encounter with man’s essence, with the inner center, the origin in us. Of course one wants to create a beautiful and true artwork. But the beautiful and true artwork is a result of the encounter with the origin and arises from it. Otherwise it is not conceivable.


The Spiritual Center of the Artwork

Initiated by the encounter with one's own inner origin, the artwork also gets an inner spiritual center, its own origin. From there, from this inner center of the artwork, the life of the artwork flows. From this inner origin of the artwork flows its healing light.


New Life Force from the Origin

We humans have a need of being connected to the origin. This is, because from the origin flows the force for the renewal of life. The origin is the source from which the water of life flows. Herein lies the deeper meaning of true creative activity.


Through Creative Activity we can find Meaning in Life

Creative activity can let us find a deeper meaning in our life and the result will be true joy. If one finds purpose and meaning in life, everything gets a focus and thus a direction. Life gets an axis around which to rotate the wheel of life. 


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